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“People just feel better after Barry’s sessions”


That's the general feeling about Barry Roberts and these lecture presentations. His humorous and valuable presentations on minimizing stress, developing innovative thinking strategies, problem solving and leadership have a way of effectively reaching people and improving their lives. Barry’s articles have appeared in national magazines, his radio interviews are heard nationally and readers of his book “Practice Safe Stress” are just as enthusiastic. Send Barry a quick email to order the book. (email:


Barry has been a teacher, salesperson and night club performer. He combines all of this back-

ground and all of these skills every time he is on the platform.

Take your time viewing all of the information on the site. It’s all there to help you make the best

decision on the right presentation for your next event.


                         Beyond that, Barry is an avid tennis player, an awful golfer, his wife of 45+ years is still his            best                  best friend, one of his son’s is a very successful artist, writer and musician and the other is a  time                  two time Emmy winning writer!  


                         Each of Barry's programs can be custom tailored for your audience, whether a business group,                            civic group or social gathering...from Generation Xers to Senior Citizens.




Here's what they're saying about these presentations


"Our members really enjoyed themselves and have used some of the tools you taught them. Your sense of humor is catching and it was a pleasure working with you."


“We thank you again for being a part of our day and bringing in the sunshine.”


“His presentation kept everyone’s attention and we also learned something valuable! Hopefully Barry will be back next year to once again offer his talents.”




AA Message About Barry

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